We were very cheerful at the start – it was sunny!
Come on it's about to rain! Eleven ladies arrived, including five who had not been out on a 5MTF before. We were waved off by Jon and Neil from the Saturday Saunter, and as if that wasn’t enough male company for one morning, we timed our exit onto the Alban Way to coincide with the departure of a Beaver pack on wheels. They decided we looked faster than them and waved us through ahead!
We headed east to Ellenbrook, and then turned west again along the lanes through Wilkins Green to Smallford. We rode steadily along Station Road and Hatfield Road to get to Notcutts, where we rather swamped the cycle parking. We took up quite a lot of the cafĂ© too! In fact, we made such an impression that the manager came over to see us…..to ask if she could have some of the Bike Week leaflets that we were waving around!
We did wonder if we would get drenched on departure, but the rain held off, and we got back on the Alban Way, and then went round through Highfield Park and back to Fleetville by the Camp Road Cycle Route. Ride distance was 8 miles.