Friday, 26 May 2023

Saturday 20 May 2023 - Sunny and Hilly

The Further Faster report: Six set off from Morrisons heading west along the Alban Way.  One rider bailed out with a headset issue - we are glad to say that Halford mechanics kindly sorted it for her so she could ride home.

The remaining five cycled on through Verulamium Park, riding carefully on account of the many runners finishing Park Run.

Across Bluehouse Hill and up Gorhambury Drive, with a pause to admire the old mansion.

Then we went down through the estate, up to Beechtree Lane, across Hemel Hempstead Road to Appspond Lane. From there the descent continued past Plaistows Airfield and down Chiswell Green Lane to the Watford Road. On down Tippendell Lane to Greenwood Park for coffee at the Lazy Llama,  being joined by the Fabulous quartet.

After coffee we used NCN6 through the woods, down Robert Avenue and round the houses to Berners Drive and back along the Alban Way, having covered a leisurely 12 miles.

The merely Fabulous Report: While the others sped off, we were awaiting one of our number, who soon emerged from Trek St Albans where the mechanics had kindly sorted a mudguard issue.  The four of us headed west along the Alban Way, and then we started the climbing, using the NCN6 route up through St Julians to Watling Street.  This is an awkward little crossing, with corduroy tactiles, a steep little off ramp, gravel and a decayed road surface all to contend with just as you are watching for traffic while making a dog-leg manoeuvre. It would be easy to take a tumble here, and unfortunately one of our group gave a demonstration of how easy. Fortunately, our fallen rider got up, dusted herself down and having been given a once over to check she was OK, we were able to all carry on, taking it even easier than our usual gentle pace as a precaution.

We headed up Ragged Hall Lane a short way, then diverted to enjoy the magnificent trees on Cuckmans Drive - two redwoods and a cedar.  There were also auditory delights, as the kites were wheeling and squealing above us, sometimes coming quite low.

As we approached Chiswell Green Lane we glimpsed the Further Faster squad flying along up ahead.  We soon joined them at the Lazy Llama for coffee and chat.  It is usually too difficult to organise a coffee meet-up on these rides, but sometimes it happens.
Our return route took us through the woods and across to the Watford Road.  The meadow was looking splendid, full of buttercups.

We took the 'Scout Hut path' through to Netherway and came down through Verulamium Park from King Harry Lane and then by the Green Ring back to Morrisons.  A ride of getting on for nine miles.

Our June ride is a Sust Fest and Bike Week special ride, with special pre-booking via Eventbrite: SustFest Big Green Bike Week Women's Fabulous Cycle Ride Tickets, Sat 10 Jun 2023 at 09:30 | Eventbrite