Saturday 8 June 2024

Saturday 8 June 2024 - further faster and medium meander

There were seven of us at the start, on a somewhat grey and blustery morning.

Five of us went out towards Sandridge, then along Beech Hyde Lane which had masses of nettles in the hedges and plenty of gravel on the road. We skirted around Wheathampstead (Dyke Lane, Hilldyke Road, Butterfield Road, Wheathampstead Lane) and down Leasey Bridge Lane.

Going up Marshalls Heath Lane we admired a patch of Foxgloves in the field. 

Further up there was much gravel, as if it had been dumped, which made for tricky cycling.  Over to Mackereye End, before dropping down to Batford, where Crabtree Lane is signed as a No Through Road - but that is just for motor vehicles.  We crossed the Lea and continued up Crabtree Lane. It is a long haul up the hill before we dropped down into Southdown for our coffee stop. 

We came home via Cross Lane and across East Common to the Harpenden Road.

On the cycle path a water main had burst, but this was the only puddle we had to cycle through. The weather stayed dry for this lovely ride.

The other two opted for a slightly less challenging ride.  Out Jersey Lane, then we headed up Woodcock Hill.  The picture is the wildflowers on the verge, but what we really paused for was to listen to the larks, glorious.

Through Symonsdhyde Woods, we weren't really going slow enough for a slug to catch us up, we had stopped on purpose!
Considering what damage has been done to the garden this year by slugs, this one did very well indeed to be lifted gently into the woodland before we cycled on!  From Tower Hill Lane we rolled down to West End Barns for delicious coffee and sausage rolls.
We came back via Ayres End, the A1081 and Childwickbury.  We noted the burst water main, now lifting the tarmac and depositing sand, it is marked for action.  St Mary's Church had a beautiful floral arch over the door, and our suspicions were confirmed when, having gone round to check the rhododendrons, we came upon a wedding bus!
The rhoddies are going over, but still loads of flowers to admire.

Down the bridleway to Batchwood Drive then back through Verulamium Park.