Monday, 26 March 2018

Saturday 24 March 2018 - Further Faster Fabulous - Redbourn Hub via Hemel

At last some reasonable weather, and Teresa reports:
Six of us started the ride from Morrisons on a still, overcast day. We went along the Alban Way, up through the Cottonmill estate to Chiswell Green, along Ragged Hall Lane to The Holly Bush, then along  Appspond Lane to the Hemel Hempstead Road. There one of our number decided to go back home via a cycle shop as her mudguard was rubbing on the front wheel. The rest of us continued along this fast road to Westwick Row, past the industrial area around Hemel via Buncefield Lane. We joined the Nickey Line just before Redbourn Road, and went along to the Redbourn Hub for coffee and cake. 
We then went home via Redbournbury Mill, where I fell off on the gravel having not unclipped in time! The ford was not too deep, and the potholes and mud in the road were being cleared and repaired. 
We all managed Beesonend Lane, and started along the Harpenden Road cycle path. There one of our riders had a puncture, which we couldn’t repair, so I called my husband to come in the car to pick her up with her bike and take her home. An eventful ride of about 20 miles.

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