Sunday, 14 October 2018

Saturday 13 October 2018 - Further Faster

Three of us waited at Morrisons for the rain to ease – it had not been forecast! We then went along the Alban Way, crossed the railway line at Cottonmill, and worked our way through the estate to Vesta Ave, Robert Ave and Watford Rd. We went along Ragged Hall Lane to the Holly Bush then along Appspond Lane, where there were lots of puddles. We crossed the Hemel Hempstead Rd to go into Gorhambury, where we discovered that the road was closed due to a shooting party. [see note below] So we came back up Beechtree Lane, then along the Hemel Hempstead Rd, down Bluehouse Hill to Verulamium Park for a coffee stop. We split up afterwards to go home. It was a short ride (9.5 miles), but the weather brightened up, and we were pleased that we had been out.


Gorhambury Drive confers permissive paths leading from Bluehouse Hill, Beech Tree Lane and Redbourn Road. The Drive is normally open 8am-6pm and may be closed at the owner’s discretion at any time.  Last access to the Drive will be 5.30pm each day, with the gates to the Drive being locked at 6pm.

Gorhambury Drive is closed on Saturdays from 1 September to 1 February and other days as notified additionally on the estate website:

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