Saturday, 16 November 2019

Saturday 16 November 2019 - mystery tours to Marshalswick

Bit grey and cold, but twelve well-wrapped women mustered for our closing ride of the season.  Bearing in mind that weather in November can be not nice, we had decided that the St Mary's Marshalswick Christmas Fair was an excellent destination for all eventualities.  We split into two groups, with Teresa leading seven on a further faster route and Rona and Angela taking a group of five on a shorter meander.

The FF ladies shot off eastward, heading along the Alban Way, through Oaklands College, then looping to Sandridge via Nashe's Farm (they all got up the hill without walking) and Woodcock Hill.  They were surprised to meet the fabulous five coming towards them on Sandridgebury Lane.  

The five had meandered along the Green Ring, the Sandpit Lane section through the trees is lovely, all golden leafy today.  But the dismounts and barriers are such an irritation, especially to those with mobility impairment.  Yes, for plenty of people, including several of our group, cycling is easier than walking.  They peeled off the Green Ring at the Ancient Briton, slipping through to Sandridgebury Lane by Ellis Fields.  They were surprised to meet the faster seven coming the other way on Sandridgebury Lane!
The faster group headed on round by way of the King William junction, the fabulous group carried on via Jersey Lane and Hazelmere Road, and were greeted with "Aah! More cyclists!  Welcome!" as they proffered their 50ps at the church hall door.  The faster group had got there first and were just polishing off their coffee and cake, which was convenient as the fabulous could nab their seats.  The fair was going very well, and we can give a highly favourable report of the coffee, the tea, the cakes, the stalls and the knitted village

We all dispersed from Marshalswick, most of us with bulging panniers and baskets full of goodies.  The further faster group had completed 11.5 miles, the fabulous group had covered 6.5 miles.


  1. I remember this ride when I last went with 5MtF. I think it was one of the first FFF. It's an amazing ride and a lovely fair! I'm terribly missing my bike and this amazing group especially!

  2. Well remembered - but not the same church. Same route as you would have done, same knitted village, but we would have been St Leonards Harvest Festival in Sandridge.
    We miss you! Best wishes.
